production in Australia will grow more this year. Cherry production in
Australia happens during the months of (November-October). In this season,
2020/21, cherry production will grow more as compare to previous years. During
the last year, it grows 18.5 thousand tons and, this year, it will produce 21
thousand tons, which means 2.5 tons more from previous years.
cherry production is more than last year, it will be a challenge for Australian
exporters who export cherry in different countries. They have to plan well for
the forthcoming new supply season. East Fruit reports mention and produces the
transport is essential for exporting cherries to the main export markets of the
other country. From total production, only 1% volume of cherry is transported
by sea to other countries. Air transport is the first affected because of this
global COVID-19 pandemic and suffered a lot, and because of that, Australian
cherry will also suffer.
cherries were exported from Australia through established passenger routes. Due
to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a reduced number of flights functioning, and
exporters expect that the flights by cargo routes and remaining passenger
flight costs will be double compared to previous. Furthermore, the flights'
price will double, but the governments recently announce government subsidy
programs for exporters of their goods.
to the Foreign Agricultural Service of the United States Department of
Agriculture (FAS USDA), in this season 2020/21 (November-October), cherry
production will grow more, as compared to previous years it produces 18.5
thousand tons and, in this year, it will grow 21 thousand tons. Moreover,
Australian producers will have to trade more in the market with different types
of products.
A coronavirus can demolish Australian
to COVID-19, there are restrictions on traveling to other countries. Previously
cherry pickers were temporary workers who work with the help of special visas.
Australian producers can face a provocation because there will be a shortage of
labor in the country. There is the necessity of labor when cherry production
will occur, and there is a shortage of labor, which is more critical than